Friday, November 4, 2011

s▲r▲s goes to J▲P▲N!

finally October came. checked and re-checked my luggage. it/s all good, i/m ready :)

chapter 1. K Y O T O

{Kyoto Station}

{Khaosan Kyoto Guest House}

{Kyomizudera Temple}

roaming the streets near Gion District.

{Gion District}

where the Geisha had to run to avoid curious people and their cameras.

dinner (well if you look closely there's a sake onigiri in the midst of those sweets). and the others are, uhm, one set of dessert. haloo sakit gigii ho ho hoo!

chapter 2. O S A K A
{Osaka Joo}
where the sky is the prettiest of blue.

chapter 3. T O K Y O
{Ghibli Museum, Mitaka}
this is it.


{Greetings from the newest members of the family!}
{Smile Hotel Asagaya}


{Hakunhikan Toy Park, Ginza}

{Views from the JR Tokyo}



Sayonara .